Oak Woodland Lot Added to North End of Park!
In late 2015, Friends of Rasor Park scrambled to get the City of Eugene to acquire a parcel of land adjacent to the north end of the park. This lot contains many mature Oregon white oak trees which contribute greatly to the majestic look and feel of the north entry to the park, and also to the integrity and habitat value of the small oak woodland.
Thanks to the partnership of the Eugene Parks Foundation, and to many generous donors in the neighborhood and from across town, our efforts were successful! The deal was closed in early December, and the parcel and its graceful oaks are now protected as part of the park.
It was extremely heart-warming to see the outpouring of generosity from our neighborhood and community. Special thanks to all who donated (or wrote to the City, or asked friends to support this acquisition). Every letter and phone call and check made a difference.
Thank you, donors!
Jon Belcher
Erik Burke
Teresa Damron & Nathanial Sperry
Carola Dunn
Eugene Parks Foundation
Bruce Eveland
Art Farley
Pamela Fitzpatrick
Julie Hulme & Rob Handy
Peter James & Becky Riley
Jeff Kern & Janet Morrison
Nena Lovinger & Robert Emmons
Jeanine Malito
Marilyn Mohr & Hans Wittig
Gerald Morsello
Steven Mueller & Karen Irmscher
Jo Niedeck
Deborah Noble/Be Noble Foundation
Lynn Pedersen
Philip Richardson
Jolene Siemsen & Lori Howard
Dan Smellow & Lynn Buckman
Jan Spencer
Miaya Sustaita & Loren Schein
Phyllis & Mitch Temple
Mindy Wekselblatt & Andrew Van Atta