Why Native Plants?
Short video with Doug Tallamy. (3:58 minutes video) #Biodiversity #Insects #Native Plants #Habitat #Prairie #Wildflowers #Restoration
Conserving Oak Habitats in the Southern Willamette Valley
Conserving Oak Habitats in the Southern Willamette Valley (4 page brochure) Topics: Willamette Valley Oaks Yesterday and Today, Oak...
Willamette Basin Explorer
"Preserving and restoring natural ecosystems is one way citizens of the Willamette Valley choose to maintain their quality of life." "By...
Western Oregon Prairies
(2 page brochure) What are prairies?; Animals and plants of upland prairies; Are prairies in trouble?; How can you help? Native prairies...
What's So Special About Oregon White Oaks?
What's So Special About Oregon White Oaks? It’s now estimated that more than 99 percent of pre-settlement prairies and savannas in Oregon...
Willamette Valley Natural History: Vanishing Oak Savanna-Prairie Landscape
(5:54 minute video) Take a look at some of the Willamette Valley’s prairie lands. The Nature Conservancy of Oregon and the State are...