Dance of the Duskywing: A Butterfly on the Brink
(6:02 minute video) This short film, Dance of the Duskywing: A Butterfly on the Brink tells the story of the Propertius Duskywing...
Oregon White Oak: Cherished by human and butterfly alike
There are many reasons to love this mighty oak, it provides forage and shelter for wildlife, nesting materials for birds, attracts pollinato
Conserving Oak Habitats in the Southern Willamette Valley
Conserving Oak Habitats in the Southern Willamette Valley (4 page brochure) Topics: Willamette Valley Oaks Yesterday and Today, Oak...
Native Plant Guides for Willamette Valley Species
Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest (2006, reprinted 2014) by Mark Turner and Phyllis Gustafson Timber Press Field Guide Very basic key...
Monarchs and Milkweed
(9:30 minute video) Monarch butterfly populations have declined 90 percent across the US. A key piece of their habitat has been wiped out...
Restore Oregon Oak Habitat
Walama Restoration Project Brochure: Restore and Protect a Native Ecosystem in Your Backyard; A Vanishing Ecosystem; Oaks and Their...
Native Herbaceous Plants in Our Gardens: A Guide for the Willamette Valley
(40-page booklet) Excerpts from Native Herbaceous Plants In Our Gardens: "Growing native herbaceous plants in our gardens may preserve or...